We want to reward people and organisations who share the values of the Foundation, and who work in a spirit of community, openness, action, autonomy, citizenship and human dignity.
The patrons
Minden évben felkérünk olyan pécsi, vagy Pécshez szorosan kötődő személyeket, hogy jelenlétükkel és védnöki tevékenységükkel emeljék a díj rangját.
Media Partner

Nominations for the Power of Humanity Foundation’s regional award celebrating civic curiosity are open until the end of February. There are two categories: civic groups working for local communities and brave, committed individuals.
The award is open to any individual and/or NGO from the South Transdanubian region of Baranya, Tolna and Somogy counties who you believe deserves recognition for their exemplary work for the community.
Nomination and selection
You can apply until the end of February on the website emberseg.hu. You can nominate one person or community per category.
From the nominations received, the Board of Trustees of the Power of Humanity Foundation will select 3 to 3 nominees per category. From these, the Foundation’s staff, volunteers, board members, patrons and partners will vote for the light bulb statuette that will be awarded. The Emberség (Humanity) Award will be presented on our Foundation’s birthday.
The winners in each category will receive a one-off cash prize of HUF 100,000.
Who can be a candidate?
Award winners
Individuals and civic communities who have demonstrated civic courage, have made an outstanding contribution to the local community, and their actions are exemplary and inspiring to others.
PATRONS: Glória Kőműves and Károly Mindum

Individuals category
Gabriella Wirth
Perhaps it is openness and frankness that first comes to mind when one meets Gabriella Wirth. Her personality is suffused with sincerity and serenity, and she talks about doubts and struggles as naturally as she talks about successes. As chairman of the board of trustees of the Pécs Down Foundation, she has been working for seven years with unbroken enthusiasm for children with Down syndrome and their families.

Communities category
Apolló Cinema
In recent decades, the civil society behind Apollo Cinema has fundamentally redefined the genre of cinema as an institution. Thanks to them, the cinema-goer who enters the Apollo’s doors today will find much more than the art cinema label would lead them to expect. Dialogue, thought-provoking lectures, intellectual workshops, shelter and a place to recharge.
PATRONS: Ádám Putz és Gabriella Varga

Individuals category
Gergely Tölgyfa
It is unnecessary to put a yardstick next to courage and honour, but it is important to pay tribute to those whose sacrifices have had greater consequences. Gergely Tölgyfa was one of the first teachers in Pécs who started a civil disobedience action to draw attention to the plight of teachers. And he was the first teacher outside the capital to lose his job because of it.

Communities category
Pécsi Oktatási-Nevelési Társulás
Today, the authorities in Hungary have achieved considerable success in preventing the unity, collective action and effective representation of those who can hold to account for their abuses. The Pécs Education and Training Association (PONT), founded by teachers, students and parents from public and higher education institutions in Pécs and its surroundings, was set up at the end of 2022 to counter this phenomenon.
PATRONS: Márton Pál és Csilla Pethőné Nagy

Individuals category
Aranka Híves-Varga
It’s rare to find someone in academia who is as committed to good causes as he is to theory. As a professional and researcher, Aranka Híves-Varga believes in the importance of equal opportunities and inclusion. In her case, perhaps even if we wanted to, we could not separate the two. Her sacrificial work for disadvantaged Roma/Gypsy youth and university students is an inspiration not only for young people, but also for many of her professional colleagues.

Communities category
Jó Szatyor
Great things often come from such simple ideas! A little thought, a little will to do, and before you know it, the good deed is priceless. This is how the Jó Szatyor (Goody Bag) started, first the selflessness of the people who were approached, and soon afterwards the strangers who heard the call and became acquaintances, and the desire to help is what makes it great.
PATRONS: Amaryl Árkovits és Wintermans Simon

Individuals category
Éva Vatai
“It is important to me that my students are correct, act according to principles and have the right argumentation technique” – says Éva Vatai, teacher of French and Drama at the Leőwey Klára High School in Pécs, and fortunately all this “can be learned during the years of high school”. The teacher has been teaching at the institution for more than three decades, and generations have grown up in her classes. A teacher who sticks to her principles, she is an active participant in the public life of Pécs. When her sense of justice demands it, she organises demonstrations, debates and performances.

Communities category
A Város Mindenkié Pécs
The activists of A Város Mindenkié Pécs help our fellow human beings in vulnerable and often hopeless situations. The group was the first in Pécs to start working on housing advocacy outside the institutional system. In many cases, they are irreplaceable supporters of people without shelter and those struggling with housing poverty. They provide information, interpret law and legal cases, help in communicating with the authorities and, if necessary, organise demonstrations, awareness-raising and protest actions – all with the active participation of the people concerned.
PATRONS: Ferenc Köles and Alinda Veiszer

Individuals category
Judit Zeller
Judit Zeller is a lawyer, psychologist and expert at TASZ. She is a regular public figure in the defence of civil rights, often speaking up for people who are discriminated against. She is also active at local level on current social and public issues, helping to interpret the relevant legislation. She is a calm and consistent advocate for human rights.

Communities category
the Hungarian teaching staff of the Janus Pannonius High School in Pécs
The Hungarian Language and Literature Teachers’ Union of the Janus Pannonius Secondary School in Pécs was the first teaching community in Hungary to protest against the new NAT. This stand, which showed great personal courage, a sense of justice and professional responsibility, was later followed and joined by many others. The teachers set an example for the entire Hungarian teaching community.